Generate vector tiles with built-in postgis functions
This blog post explores the possibility of generating, caching and serving vector tiles on the fly, from a PostgreSQL database, using built-in PostGIS functions ST_AsMVT and ST_MakeEnvelope.
1. Setup a test database
Let us begin by firing off a db instance. We use docker for this because of its easily reproducible and disposable nature. We also use docker-compose because we want to be able to orchestrate multiple containers such as database, caching and other services. For now, we will get started with a single docker image which gives us a Postgres instance with PostGIS extension installed.
File: docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
image: mdillon/postgis
- "5432:5432"
Note: The database password here is extremely simple. Make sure you use something more complex if running this code outside of local development environment.
To test the compose file, execute: docker-compose config -q
and to fire up the containers, run the command: docker-compose up -d
2. Import some test data
Now that we’ve a postgres instance up and running, we can begin importing some data.
Create a database and initialize the POSTGIS extension:
docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE roads'
docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres roads -c 'CREATE EXTENSION POSTGIS'
I exported road data of the Pune city, the city I live in, and hosted it on the github repo:
Download and extract test data [1]:
tar -xvf pune_roads.tar.gz
This will extract a GeoJSON file in the current directory. We want to be able to import this data into our database. In comes GDAL
. I call it the swiss-knife of GIS data. GDAL allows one to work with GIS datasets of all sizes and formats and offers wide variety of features for data translation. Head over to for quick installation steps and to read more about it.
Once installed, we can begin importing the data from the GeoJSON file into our database with this simple one-liner:
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"dbname=roads user=postgres host=localhost password=pass" \
"pune_roads.geojson" -nln pune_roads -append \
-t_srs "" -overwrite
Let’s also verify that the data was imported.
docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres roads -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pune_roads"
Now that we’ve the test database setup with some test data seeded in, let’s work on generting the vector tiles on the fly.
3. Create a tile service
To display the data back, we begin by creating a HTTP service that returns vector tiles. To do so, we use a combination of ST_AsMVT, ST_AsMVTGeom and ST_MakeEnvelope functions provided by PostGIS.
Here’s a NodeJS script, inspired by Chris’s blog post [2]:
The interesting bit here is the translation of /z/x/y
parameters to a bounding box that gets consumed by the function ST_MakeEnvelope(). We also set clipping = True
for the function ST_AsMVTGeom and select additional database columns (id, name and highway in this case) that get translated to feature properties.
These feature properties can be used for data-driven styling [3], displaying additional information on map and more.
File: app.js
// mercator
const SphericalMercator = require('@mapbox/sphericalmercator');
const mercator = new SphericalMercator({size: 256});
// database library
const {Client} = require('pg')
const db = new Client('postgres://postgres:pass@localhost:5432/roads');
// http server
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
// route
const layerName = 'pune_roads';
app.get(`/tiles/${layerName}/:z/:x/:y.mvt`, async (req, res) => {
const bbox = mercator.bbox(req.params.x, req.params.y, req.params.z, false);
const query = `
SELECT ST_AsMVT(q, '${layerName}', 4096, 'geom') FROM (
id, name, highway,
ST_MakeEnvelope(${bbox[0]}, ${bbox[1]}, ${bbox[2]}, ${bbox[3]}, 4326),
) geom FROM pune_roads WHERE highway IS NOT NULL
) q
try {
const tiles = await db.query(query);
const tile = tiles.rows[0];
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf');
if (tile.st_asmvt.length === 0) {
} catch (err) {
res.status(404).send({ error: err.toString() });
4. Add the new vector layer
Let’s add the tile layer to the map. We used mapbox [4] which is our web map of choice because of it’s performance, data-sets and robustness when it comes to configuring and styling the map.
Add the layer to map with this snippet:
"id": "road",
"source-layer": "pune_roads",
"source": {
"type": "vector",
"tiles": ["http://localhost:8080/tiles/pune_roads/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt"],
"tolerance": 0,
"type": "line",
"paint": {
"line-color": "orangered",
"line-width": ['step', ['zoom'], 0.4, 14, 1, 16, 2, 18, 4, 20, 8]
At this point, you should be able to see road data being rendered on the map.
Next steps to work on and explore:
- Cache tiles for sometime, say an hour, instead of re-generating again
- Allow pre-seeding and invalidation of cached tiles
You can find the entire source code, with caching, here at:
[1] Road data source: